What to Do
Where to Eat
Where to Sleep


The twisty salmon river crisscrossing the territory is one of the many attractions of charming Rivière-Ouelle, many of which can be enjoyed on a bike. Travelling on the Chemin de la Pointe running along the river, you will reach the Rivière-Ouelle Beach and Campground. It’s a great place to admire the vivid sunsets and mountainous landscapes of Charlevoix. Travel to the Chemin de la Petite-Anse and the Quai and l’Anse-des-Mercier roads to arrive at the heart of a heritage area. The wharf, with its marine birds and panoramas, is also not to be missed. It is there that the Quai Chapel offers a gourmet break and a variety of cultural attractions. At the junction of the l’Anse-des-Mercier and the Cinquième-Grève east roads, you will reach a lovely beach. In late summer, you can observe the drift nets hung vertically in the water catching eels. Everywhere on the territory, the File Rouge Circuit (auto-guided podcasts and interpretative panels) reminds visitors of what is truly remarkable about the place. Two other attractions worth the trip: the Delisle School with its 1930s decor and the Notre-Dame-de-Liesse Church with its 17th century alter and beautiful collection of paintings. History and genealogy buffs will love the Memorial and Family Markers of the Passeurs de Mémoire Circuits!


418 856-3829

Inhabitants are known as...

Rivelois, oise*


418 856-3829

Inhabitants are known as...

Rivelois, oise*

The twisty salmon river crisscrossing the territory is one of the many attractions of charming Rivière-Ouelle, many of which can be enjoyed on a bike. Travelling on the Chemin de la Pointe running along the river, you will reach the Rivière-Ouelle Beach and Campground. It’s a great place to admire the vivid sunsets and mountainous landscapes of Charlevoix. Travel to the Chemin de la Petite-Anse and the Quai and l’Anse-des-Mercier roads to arrive at the heart of a heritage area. The wharf, with its marine birds and panoramas, is also not to be missed. It is there that the Quai Chapel offers a gourmet break and a variety of cultural attractions. At the junction of the l’Anse-des-Mercier and the Cinquième-Grève east roads, you will reach a lovely beach. In late summer, you can observe the drift nets hung vertically in the water catching eels. Everywhere on the territory, the File Rouge Circuit (auto-guided podcasts and interpretative panels) reminds visitors of what is truly remarkable about the place. Two other attractions worth the trip: the Delisle School with its 1930s decor and the Notre-Dame-de-Liesse Church with its 17th century alter and beautiful collection of paintings. History and genealogy buffs will love the Memorial and Family Markers of the Passeurs de Mémoire Circuits!

Do not miss in Rivière-Ouelle

Kabin Kamouraska

Le Blizzaroïde, frosty dairy bar

Les trésors du fleuve

Family Markers

Chapelle du quai Presbytery

Antiquités du Kamouraska

Do not miss in Rivière-Ouelle

Kabin Kamouraska

Le Blizzaroïde, frosty dairy bar

Les trésors du fleuve

Family Markers

Chapelle du quai Presbytery

Antiquités du Kamouraska

Quoi faire ?
Où manger ?
Où dormir ?
What to Do
Where to Eat
Where to Sleep